
Course Description

Welcome to the fascinating field of data mining, a discipline at the intersection of computer science, statistics, and intelligence! Throughout this course, we’ll explore various data mining techniques, from regression to classification to clustering to association analysis. You’ll learn how to prepare data, select appropriate algorithms, and interpret results. Real-world examples and case studies will illustrate the practical applications of data mining across diverse industries.

Students will complete two quizzes, a team-based (optional) course project and paper presentation.

Coding notebooks will be provided when necessary for some important topics.


Monday/Wednesday, 10:00-11:20 pm, 166 LA

Office Hours

Instructor: Zoom Meeting
  • Friday 4:00-5:00 pm
  • M/W After each class 11:20-12:00 pm


Teaching Assistants


Note that some of the lectures of this course are borrowed or adapted from the following:
  • Introduction to Data Mining, Vipin Kumar at University of Minnesota